the river runs
rubble red and
cold the sky
a broken reflection across
words in flames and placards
the people stand against the banks
in ranks
a rising stench
the sticks and stones that conquered bones
have built with rhetoric
a fear
begun years and thousands ago
summers of sweat
and placing bets
my hand – I win –
just because I was born
here and now and with this
not yours, not you
I am not
at ease with my own evolution
through no fault of your own
but some one rolled the dice
and I came up
able to breathe out of the river
maybe not
birth order and color and status and passport
all seem to make a difference
perception and expectation puts a powdered wig
on truth
a spiraling simplification
by them. by us.
by ‘we the people’
and I have the choice to care
or not care
Wow Larissa. That is amazing and dead on
Thank you, Chare 🙂